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The Minister of Youth and Sports and Banque Misr Witness The Signing of Cooperation Protocol Between Banque Misr and The Ministry of Youth and Sports to Develop the Capabilities of Egyptian Youth and to Support them Socially and Financially

Oct 20, 2022 12:00 AM

On Tuesday, the eighteenth of October 2022, Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports, and Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Misr witnessed the signing of the cooperation protocol signed between Banque Misr and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, where the protocol was signed by Mr. Akef Al-Maghraby - Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque Misr, with Mr. Ismail El Far - Senior Undersecretary of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, in the presence of Mr. Hossam El Din Abdel Wahab - Vice Chairman of Banque Misr Board of Directors, and Dr. Suzan Hamdy - Head of Financial Inclusion, Sustainability and Business Development Sector, and a distinguished group of leaders from Banque Misr and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

The protocol aims to build the capabilities of Egyptian youth and support them socially and economically, to spread the culture of entrepreneurship, free enterprise and small and medium enterprises, and to provide financial and non-financial products and services that support the establishment of successful entrepreneurship projects to secure appropriate and sustainable income, investment and savings management for youth, which aims to raise the standard of living and ensure life, and increasing the rates of financial inclusion and various financial transactions in line with supporting the Egyptian National Strategy 2030. As well as giving young people fair opportunities to play an active role in Egyptian society, raising their level of awareness of the risks and challenges facing the Egyptian economy, and raising awareness of the impact of rumors on national security.

Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby stressed that the Bank is always keen to support young people in all fields, and is keen to support the activities of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, which are of paramount importance to the state, as they are national projects and because young people represent the largest segment of Egyptian society, and this support happens through the protocols that It aims to support sports activities with the ministry. And Banque Misr is always a forerunner and pioneer at all levels.

Dr. Suzan Hamdy - Head of Financial Inclusion, Sustainability and Business Development Sector stated that the signing of this protocol comes from the bank's belief in the importance of achieving financial inclusion, which aims to enable all segments of society to have access to financial products and services that meet their different needs. Banque Misr has participated in establishing The Charitable Fund to Support Egyptian Sports, and Banque Misr has previously signed a protocol with the Ministry of Youth and Sports aimed at establishing branches of Banque Misr in youth centers and youth bodies, and providing ATMs in the targeted youth centers. Banque Misr also provides a portal for online digital collection, the mobile application of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, digital points of sale, and a QR Code service.

It is worth noting that the Bank has recently launched the Banque Misr Acceleration Program with the participation of some startups, with the aim of supporting entrepreneurs, unleashing the potential of youth, empowering them economically and nurturing them, as the youth is one of the main pillars of the Bank’s financial inclusion and sustainability strategy in line with the country’s 2030 strategy. In addition to increasing the number of small and medium enterprises and encouraging emerging and existing companies in the targeted economic sectors, and that is to promote the local product through a national industry that has the ability to compete and conquer new markets internationally.

Banque Misr is always keen to enhance the state’s efforts to achieve financial inclusion by participating in many initiatives and protocols that serve community members. The Bank continuous its effort to spread awareness of Financial Inclusion, Financial Culture and introducing Banking services and products to university and school students, In addition to adopting several programs for financial inclusion and education, for example; Supporting owners of small and medium enterprises within the "Nile Pioneers" initiative under the auspices of the Central Bank of Egypt, this initiative aims to support young entrepreneurs and encourage emerging companies in various economic sectors by providing support to them.