IE عند تصفح بنك مصر باستخدام Microsoft Edge أحدث تقنيات الواجهة الأمامية لذلك سيحصل المستخدمون على إخلاء مسؤوليه للتبديل الى Internet Explorer لا يدعم

Short-term financing to support working capital needs for existing enterprises (manufacturing, retail, services) is provided based on monthly point-of-sale (P.O.S.) transaction volumes (from 100 thousand to 2 million Egyptian pounds).

  • Eligibility criteria for small businesses as defined by the Central Bank:   

    - Estimated/actual yearly revenue between 1 and 50 million Egyptian pounds. 

    Recent audited financial statements are required for companies with estimated/actual yearly revenue over 20 million in sales.

  • Product overview:

    Short-term financing for working capital needs of current enterprises (manufacturing, retail, services), whether sole proprietorships or partnerships, based on average monthly P.O.S. transactions over the past six months through Banque Misr or other bank P.O.S. systems.  

  • General lending criteria:
  • ­Borrower must be 21-65 years old at loan maturity.  
  • ­Borrower must be literate.
  • ­The business must be operating for at least one year.  
  • ­Consistent monthly P.O.S. transactions over the past six months - excluded if inactive for 2+ months
  • ­Financial statements are not required for sales of under 20 million.
  • ­Business must be located in the branch coverage area.  
  • ­Monthly installments must be, at most, the average monthly P.O.S. volume.


  • Target sectors:

    All manufacturing, retail, and service enterprises.

  • Additional details:

 6-month P.O.S. history required whether it is with Banque Misr or any other payment processing facilitator/other banks.Grants:

 Minimum 100 thousand, maximum 2 million pound loansLoan limit:

 1-6 month repayment terms, no grace periodLoan term:

 Financing needs are calculated in light of the cash flows generated from the P.O.S. machine, whether within our bank or in other banks during the last six months, and the return rate is applied to all activities (commercial - industrial - service) as follows:Return rate:

- Disbursement methods:

  • Issuing bank checks
  • Transfer to the company's account if with our bank


  • Required documents:
  • ­Copy of national ID  
  • ­Recent commercial registry extract
  • ­Electricity bill
  • ­Tax card
  • ­Activity license (if applicable)
  • ­Tax/insurance clearance  
  • ­P.O.S. statements  
  • ­Property ownership or lease contract 
  • ­Most recent financial statements, if submitted to our bank in the past two years or if revenue exceeds 20 million E.G.P.
  • ­Incorporation documents and amendments for partnerships/funds

*Terms and conditions apply

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