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Banque Misr and the Egyptian Banking Institute (EBI) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to hold the first courses of the Human Capital Development Initiative in the field of Information Technology

Jan 09, 2023 01:20 PM


Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby, Chairman of Banque Misr, and Dr. Abdel Aziz Nossair, Executive Director of the EBI, signed a memorandum of understanding to launch the Initiative of “The Development of Human Capital in the Field of Information Technology”, which aims to provide the Banking Sector with qualified staff specialized in the IT field. The MoU was signed at the headquarter of Banque Misr, in the presence of the two Vice-Chairmen of Banque Misr; Mr. Akef El Maghraby, Mr. Hossam Abdelwahab, and a distinguished group of leaders of the Bank and the EBI.


This Initiative stems from the belief of Banque Misr and the EBI in the importance of the IT field and reducing the risks related to such field. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find ways to meet the requirements of the banking sector to provide cadres to work in this field. This initiative is in line with the initiative of the Federation of Egyptian Banks that aims to training fresh graduates in multiple technological disciplines.


The EBI provides the opportunity for the course applicants to register their data on the initiative platform, which will be published soon on the EBI’s website. Upon fulfilling the registration requirements and passing the qualifying tests for the program, the best personnel will be selected to join the intensive training program, which is duly designed by Banque Misr and the EBI to ensure the quality of graduates and their suitability to the requirements of the labor market.


After the signing ceremony, Mr. Mohamed El-Etreby, Chairman of Banque Misr, stated that the Bank attaches great importance to the development of human resources, believing that creating favorable factors could enable and provide them with opportunities to develop and acquire future skills, and build the best talents that can maintain the strength of the Egyptian Banking Sector through wise leaders, and that drawing and building the future is the primary task for the young generations. Banque Misr attaches great importance to the sustainable development of its human staff. The Bank has developed training policies and plans, as it considers its employees to be the most important asset of the Institution. During 2022, the number of employees trained in all required professional and skill fields reached 17600, with a total number of 382253 hours of training during the year.


In this context, Dr. Abdel Aziz Nossair, Executive Director of the EBI, said that he was pleased to cooperate with the Banque Misr to launch the first round of courses of the Initiative, and wished all applicants success. Dr. Nossair also stated that, “The launch of this initiative is considered a continuation of the Institute’s continuous efforts and initiatives to develop technical and personal skills of youth in various fields to keep pace with the requirements of the Banking Sector, especially considering the rapid development witnessed by the Business Sector in general and the Banking Sector in particular. Nossair stressed that this Initiative is similar to several projects provided by the Institute for youth, referring to the employment training plan and various activities carried out by the Institute to support entrepreneurs and disseminate financial education”.


Banque Misr always seeks to enhance the excellence of its services, making greater contributions to providing banking and financial services in an easy and advanced way, to maintain its long-term success and to actively participate in fruitful partnerships that reflect positively on all segments of society, in addition to Banque Misr’s constant keenness to support youth through various initiatives to enhance and develop their skills to qualify them to work in the Banking Sector, as Banque Misr's work values and strategies always reflect its commitment to sustainable development and prosperity for Egypt.