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Banque Misr was awarded two prestigious honors by Euromoney magazine in 2024: Best Bank for Corporates in Egypt and Best Domestic Islamic Bank in Egypt.

May 23, 2024 03:38 PM

Banque Misr was awarded two prestigious honors by Euromoney magazine for 2024 - Best Bank for Corporates in Egypt and Best Domestic Islamic Bank in Egypt. These awards recognize Banque Misr's outstanding performance and leadership in corporate lending and Islamic banking in the Egyptian market. 

The awards, presented at the Euromoney Awards for Excellence ceremony held in Dubai on May 22, 2024, were accepted by key personnel at Banque Misr. Mr. Mohamed Khairat, Head of the Sector for Corporate credit and syndicated loans, Mr. Tarek El-Zanati, Head of the Specialized Finance Group, and Mr. Mohamed Al-Qai'i, Head of Islamic Corporate Credit, all played a pivotal role in accepting the awards on behalf of the bank, further demonstrating the bank's leadership and expertise. 

The Euromoney Awards are highly regarded in the banking industry as they evaluate banks on performance metrics and long-term strategies. Winning these two awards demonstrates Banque Misr's commitment to serving its corporate and Islamic banking customers and supporting the Egyptian economy through prudent lending practices.

Banque Misr is actively financing major projects across a wide range of sectors, including real estate, tourism, energy, education, automotive, textiles, agriculture, and infrastructure. This diverse portfolio of projects underscores the bank's strong financials, intensive marketing efforts to acquire new clients, and continued progress on its strategic goals. 

By leveraging its structured finance expertise and dedicated specialized teams for corporate and Islamic lending, Banque Misr aims to meet diverse customer needs and maintain excellence in service. The awards further prove the bank's customer-centric approach and consistent performance underpin its long-term success.

Overall, Banque Misr's dual award wins from Euromoney magazine underscore its leadership position in corporate and Islamic banking in Egypt. They represent international recognition of the bank's efforts to drive sustainable economic prosperity in the country through prudent lending and financing of key sectors.