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Banque Misr Capital Guaranteed Fund (Sandouk El Umr) Click Here For More Info


General Information

Fund Name

Banque Misr Capital Guaranteed Fund ("Sandouk El Omr")

Fund Type

Open-Ended Cumulative Daily Return Fund

Fund Objective

The fund aims to achieve cumulative returns for its clients over the medium and long term through a conservative investment policy that ensures portfolio diversification. It guarantees capital protection after three years of subscription while providing life insurance benefits.


The fund does not offer distributions; cumulative daily returns are added to the document's value. Investors can redeem any portion of the profits by cashing out the equivalent number of documents matching the achieved returns.

Inception Date

October 2, 2003

Subscription & Redemption

Subscription: Daily purchases accepted until 12:00 PM and executed the same day.

Redemption: Weekly, with requests accepted until 12:00 PM on the first business day of the week. Execution occurs within two business days. (suspended until 30-06-2025)

NAV Publishing

  • Published every Sunday in Al-Ahram newspaper.
  • Published daily on the bank's website.

Fund Manager

CI Asset Management


Arab African International Bank (AAIB)


PKF Rashed Badr & Co.



Financial Information

Fund Size at Launch

EGP 200 Million

Banque Misr Contribution at Launch

EGP 5 million

Document Offering Price

EGP 100

Minimum Investment

One document or installments based on bundle packages

Subscription Fees


Redemption Fees

Between 1–3 years: 0.25% of the redemption value of the documents.



Investment Manager Fees

Management Fees

Below EGP 10 million: 0.2% annually of the fund's net assets


Above EGP 10 million: 0.6% annually of the fund's net assets

Performance Fee

The investment manager earns 15% of the profits exceeding the annual average return of 3-month Treasury Bills as announced by the Central Bank of Egypt, plus 2%. The fee is split equally (7.5% for the investment manager and 7.5% for Banque Misr as the founding entity). If the Central Bank does not issue the referenced Treasury Bills, the rate is replaced by the average interest rate on 3-month deposits set by Banque Misr.

Bank Fees

8 per 1,000 of the fund’s net assets annually

Administrative Services Fees

0.25 per 1,000 annually


Investment Strategy


Maximum allocation of 30%

Fixed-Income Instruments

Minimum allocation of 70%