IE عند تصفح بنك مصر باستخدام Microsoft Edge أحدث تقنيات الواجهة الأمامية لذلك سيحصل المستخدمون على إخلاء مسؤوليه للتبديل الى Internet Explorer لا يدعم

Supporting Exporters

Comprehensive Financing Solutions to Support Exporters

Simplified Procedures… Competitive Interest Rates…Exclusive Commission Rates

  • Financing working capital, machinery and equipment
  • Financing corporate capital expansion and the procurement of raw materials and spares
  • Financing import operations (LCs, collection documents), with due consideration to hedging
  • Collection of export documents and all banking services
  • Ability to borrow against export contracts
  • Supporting the participation of exporters in global exhibitions by covering shipping, travel and accommodation expenses.
  • Hosting free workshops for the members of export council to explain global trade operations, shipping documents and the required documentation for opening export LCs; and provide training on compiling budgets and the required documents for obtaining facilities.
  • Services supporting all Egyptian exporters may be obtained through any of Banque Misr’s branches in the Arab Republic of Egypt; as well as via Banque Misr branches in the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon, France, Germany; and representation offices in China, Russia, South Korea and Italy.
  • Special rates for commissions on the collection of export documents and all banking services


Banque Misr Supports the “Made in Egypt” label


*Terms and Conditions apply.


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