IE عند تصفح بنك مصر باستخدام Microsoft Edge أحدث تقنيات الواجهة الأمامية لذلك سيحصل المستخدمون على إخلاء مسؤوليه للتبديل الى Internet Explorer لا يدعم

Corporate Customer Service



Banque Misr provides a corporate support service with the goal of providing a distinguished service to corporate clients and legal persons. This service includes:

  • Inquiries about import and export operations and letters of guarantee.
  • Inquiries about loans for financing small, medium and micro businesses.
  • Inquiries about money transfers inside and outside of Banque Misr.
  • Inquiries about depositing checks.
  • Inquiry about check book requests.
  • Assistance in completing the procedures for applying for a loan/ Murabaha Express via the website designated for that.


They provide support in:

  • Reactivating the password and denying access to false attempts to enter the systems available to companies.
  • Steps for implementing online banking operations.
  • Government Payment System.
  • Payroll transfer system.
  • Electronic payment system
  • Activating the credit and instant debit cards offered to companies and changing the passcodes.



To ensure we provide you with the best service and improve the quality of our call center services at 19888, please enter your company ID number, which is an 8-digit number found on your company’s bank statement or the first 8 digits of your internet banking username.

For the corporate customer service map, please click here.

Additionally, you can receive our services by contacting us via email at after completing and sending back the attached form via email.


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