IE عند تصفح بنك مصر باستخدام Microsoft Edge أحدث تقنيات الواجهة الأمامية لذلك سيحصل المستخدمون على إخلاء مسؤوليه للتبديل الى Internet Explorer لا يدعم

Corporate Customer Service



Banque Misr provides a corporate support service with the goal of providing a distinguished service to corporate clients and legal persons. This service includes:

  • Inquiries about import and export operations and letters of guarantee.
  • Inquiries about loans for financing small, medium and micro businesses.
  • Inquiries about money transfers inside and outside of Banque Misr.
  • Inquiries about depositing checks.
  • Inquiry about check book requests.
  • Assistance in completing the procedures for applying for a loan/ Murabaha Express via the website designated for that.


They provide support in:

  • Reactivating the password and denying access to false attempts to enter the systems available to companies.
  • Steps for implementing online banking operations.
  • Government Payment System.
  • Payroll transfer system.
  • Electronic payment system
  • Activating the credit and instant debit cards offered to companies and changing the passcodes.


You can obtain the aforementioned services by contacting us through the following channels:


Please complete the attached form and send it back to us via e-mail.

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